
708 South Dixie Highway, Second Floor
Coral Gables, FL 33146

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From south of Granada Ave. on South Dixie Hwy. (US 1): Turn right on Orduna Drive; parking is on both sides of the street immediately after the turn. The office building is just south of Orduna on US1. Alternatively, take US1 to Granada Ave., turn right on Granada, take another immediate left on Miller Dr., and then turn left on Orduna. Park on Orduna Drive, then walk through the passage to the back of the building.

From north of Riviera Drive on South Dixie Hwy. (US 1): Turn left on Orduna Drive; parking is on both sides of the street immediately after the turn. The office building is just south of Orduna on US1. Alternatively, take US1 to Granada Ave., turn left on Granada, take another immediate left on Miller Dr., and then turn left on Orduna. Park on Orduna Drive, then walk through the passage to the back of the building.


Parking is on Orduna Drive. From there, you can walk through the passageway to the back of my building, where you will find the stairwell to my office.