

9/71-12/74 State University of New York at Buffalo
B.A. in Psychology, Summa Cum Laude, 1975
9/75-6/79 University of Rochester: APA - approved Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. Ph.D. awarded in 1980.


Evoked potentials in response to signal and non-signal visual stimuli in learning disabled children.
(Advisor: Rafael Klorman, Ph.D.)

Professional Affiliations:

National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
Certified Psychologist, Florida, License 0003159

American Psychological Association, Member
APA Division 29: Psychotherapy
APA Division 39: Psychoanalysis
South Florida Psychoanalytic Society, Adjunct Member

Present Position:

Private Practice in Clinical Psychology since 1985.
Activities: Individual psychotherapy with children, adolescents, and adults; family and couples psycho-therapy; psychological assessment, clinical supervision of psychology practicum students.
Specialty: Treatment of eating disordered patients.

Work Experience:

7/82-8/86 Staff Psychologist, Psychiatric Associates, Grant Center Hospital.
Activities: Individual and family psychotherapy with adolescents and children; psychodiagnostic assessment, staff consultation.
9/81-6/82 Staff Psychologist, Counseling Center, University of Miami
Activities: Short-term, individual psychotherapy with university students; psychotherapy group for bulimic women; research study on the relationship of eating disorder to self-concept and body image; supervision of doctoral students in clinical work and psychodiagnostic evaluation; supervision of student peer coun-selors; outreach to the university community. (This job included a joint part-time appointment as Assistant Professor within the Department of Psychology.)
9/80-5/81 Staff Psychologist, Psychological Services, Cornell University
Activities: Short-term, individual psychotherapy with university students and their spouses; group and couples psychotherapy; crisis intervention; consultation and education programs within the university community; clinical supervision.
9/79-8/80 Clinical/ community psychology intern, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, Syracuse, New York.
9/78-6/79 Clinical psychology trainee, University of Rochester, Counseling and Psychological Services.
5/78-8/78 Clinical psychology trainee, V.A. Hospital, Buffalo, New York.
9/77-5/78 Clinical psychology trainee, Rochester Mental Health Center, New York.
9/76-6/77 Clinical psychology trainee, University of Rochester Medical Center, Division of Psychiatry and Psychology.


Dainer, K., Klorman, R.,Salzman, L., Hess, H., Davidson, P., and Michael, R., (1981). Learning disordered children�s evoked potentials during sustained attention. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 9, 79-94.

Klorman, R. Salzman, L., Hess, H. Borgstedt, A., and Dainer, K. (1979). Effects of methylphenidate on hyperactive children�s evoked responses during passive and active attention. Psychophysiology, 16, 23-39.

Michael, R., Klorman, R., Salzman, L., Borgstedt, A., and Dainer, K. (1982) Normalizing effects of methylphenidate on hyperactive children�s vigilance performance and evoked potentials. Psychophysiology.

Paper Presented:

Learning disordered children�s evoked potentials during sustained attention. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, (1980, October).